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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tiny Humans...

Over the past nine (almost ten months) I have probably used the word baby or the phrase the boys about fifty million times and until very recently has been lost on me that they (Jack and Cole) are more than just the babies, the boys, or the twins...they are tiny humans who even from this very young age we are molding and shaping to be the adults that they will eventually become. I know that this sounds quite funny, but Jack reminded me that what we are doing is more than just the day to day feeding and diaper changing, we are showing them how to love, how to treat people and animals, how to show affection, and how to care about others.

A few weeks back while picking Jack and Cole up from school, one of their teachers pulled me aside and said, “Hey momma, you know how we say Jack is such a lover.” I smiled and said, “Yeah, what he do this time?” Fully expecting her to tell me a tale of Jack batting his eye lashes and smiling at some teacher, I was completely taken off guard when she told me that, “T” (one of the other babies in his class) was sitting off by himself and began to cry. Jack saw “T” crying, crawled over to him, sat down next to him and rested his head on his shoulder, and together they sat there, until “T” stopped crying. I seriously almost began to cry! My little man Jack showing empathy for his friend, I was so proud! I quickly left their school, and called Johnny and my family and recounted the story. Some were proud and some were like, “no way a nine month old baby doesn't know how to do that.”

Due the skepticism, I too began to brush off Jack's actions as a freak one time thing, but this past week my little man proved it wasn't just a one time freak incident, he truly does know how to be there for his buddies, and show affection. On Friday, as I was walking out the door, the very same teacher pulled me aside and said, “Hey Momma, you're gonna have a heartbreaker on your hands.” Again expecting n smile/eyelash batting story (seriously the boy's a flirt), I said, “Oh yeah why's that?” She proceeded to tell me how “C” one of the only two babies that can't crawl was laying on the floor staring at a mobile. Jack crawled over to her, laid down next to her and rested his head on her shoulder. After a few minutes of them both just laying there together, Jack sat up and kissed he forehead (to be honest his version of a kiss is more of him wiping his mouth across your face...but still), and then laid back down. So sweet!!

It is easy to forget in the midst of diaper changes, feeding, and playing endless games of empty the basket that as parents we are responsible from day one for molding the types of people we eventually want taking care of us and this world. It is such a macro thought, and may seem silly to some, however I now more than ever will be mindful of how I show my love, how I speak to others and about others, and how I treat people as they are watching me!

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