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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tiny Humans...

Over the past nine (almost ten months) I have probably used the word baby or the phrase the boys about fifty million times and until very recently has been lost on me that they (Jack and Cole) are more than just the babies, the boys, or the twins...they are tiny humans who even from this very young age we are molding and shaping to be the adults that they will eventually become. I know that this sounds quite funny, but Jack reminded me that what we are doing is more than just the day to day feeding and diaper changing, we are showing them how to love, how to treat people and animals, how to show affection, and how to care about others.

A few weeks back while picking Jack and Cole up from school, one of their teachers pulled me aside and said, “Hey momma, you know how we say Jack is such a lover.” I smiled and said, “Yeah, what he do this time?” Fully expecting her to tell me a tale of Jack batting his eye lashes and smiling at some teacher, I was completely taken off guard when she told me that, “T” (one of the other babies in his class) was sitting off by himself and began to cry. Jack saw “T” crying, crawled over to him, sat down next to him and rested his head on his shoulder, and together they sat there, until “T” stopped crying. I seriously almost began to cry! My little man Jack showing empathy for his friend, I was so proud! I quickly left their school, and called Johnny and my family and recounted the story. Some were proud and some were like, “no way a nine month old baby doesn't know how to do that.”

Due the skepticism, I too began to brush off Jack's actions as a freak one time thing, but this past week my little man proved it wasn't just a one time freak incident, he truly does know how to be there for his buddies, and show affection. On Friday, as I was walking out the door, the very same teacher pulled me aside and said, “Hey Momma, you're gonna have a heartbreaker on your hands.” Again expecting n smile/eyelash batting story (seriously the boy's a flirt), I said, “Oh yeah why's that?” She proceeded to tell me how “C” one of the only two babies that can't crawl was laying on the floor staring at a mobile. Jack crawled over to her, laid down next to her and rested his head on her shoulder. After a few minutes of them both just laying there together, Jack sat up and kissed he forehead (to be honest his version of a kiss is more of him wiping his mouth across your face...but still), and then laid back down. So sweet!!

It is easy to forget in the midst of diaper changes, feeding, and playing endless games of empty the basket that as parents we are responsible from day one for molding the types of people we eventually want taking care of us and this world. It is such a macro thought, and may seem silly to some, however I now more than ever will be mindful of how I show my love, how I speak to others and about others, and how I treat people as they are watching me!

Friday, September 14, 2012

I know that I usually write about the boys, however as this blog truly is about family I wanted to take the time to write a tribute to a family member who I am eternally grateful and better for having known…

Everything changes so quickly.  It’s like one minute you are planning your weekend to the minute because you “have so much to do” and then something happens and it feels like there is nothing in the world to do.  That is how it was for us, seven years ago, and that is how it was for us this past weekend. 

Seven years ago, from different cities Johnny and I were both looking at rescuing a dog.  Johnny was determined to find this one particular breed, a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard dog, of which I knew nothing about but went a long with anyway.  When he finally found a litter of puppies that he liked it turned out that they were being scheduled to be put down the very next day.  That day we went to the shelter but a rescue group had already swooped in and taken the litter out of the kill shelter.  After another couple of days trying to track down the puppies, we were on our way down to a farm in the middle of nowhere to see about a dog.  When we got there, there were four puppies.  Two were running after each other, a fat puppy was hiding back in the dog house, and then the fourth puppy was trying to learn how to drink water from a bucket but kept putting his whole entire head in the bucket soaking him and causing him to choke.  It was very clear to Johnny and I that it came down to the fat one who was very cute but a little standoffish and the one that was sticking his head under water and may not have been the brightest crayon in the box.  After hemming and hawing we decided on the one that was sticking his head in the bucket because even if he wasn’t the brightest, he was very friendly.

His paperwork had him named Merlin, but as we drove the 2 hours (which quickly turned in to four hours as we got lost) back to Gainesville, we knew that Merlin just wasn’t his name.  On the drive, in between the dog getting car sick all over me, we debated several names and eventually landed on Miller.  It suited his southern roots and seemed to fit his personality.  Once we got him back to Gainesville we gave him a bath, which he most certainly did not enjoy, and decided that we were NOT going to be the people that let their dogs sleep in the bed, and in stead put him in the laundry and went to bed….thirty second later Miller was scratching at the metal grate in the laundry room, crying and howling and generally making the most possible noise he could in an apartment complex where dogs were not allowed…oops!  We quickly went and got him brought him in the bed and all peacefully went to sleep.

Over the next couple of months Miller quickly began to show that he was not one to be left alone as when he was left to his own devices, he had a penchant for setting off circuit breakers by chewing through wires, eating remote controls, shredding pillows and in general making a mess.  We went through about 5 TV remotes, and were mad when we would get home to find ANOTHER chewed remote, however laugh when we would take him outside and see the number keys from the remote there as proof that he ate if we could ever doubt it. 

Despite the normal puppy badness Miller truly was a good dog and turned out to be quite smart, quick to learn, and eager to please.  Johnny taught him how to ring a bell beside the door when he had to go out, boogie (dance in a circle), say “go gators”, and do all of the other normal dog tricks (stay, sit, lay down) all before he was even 6 months old.  And yet despite all of his goodness we could tell that Miller needed a playmate as his anxiety with being left alone was horrible…lucky for us Dixie came along when Miller was almost a year old and together they were partners in crime and inseparable.

Miller was mischievous about food.  On one occasion while staying at my parent’s house a pan of brownies and raw burgers sat on the counter while the grill got heated up.  In one swoop Miller ate four raw burgers and a half a pan of brownies.  We were so concerned that Miller would get sick, however in true Miller fashion he never let on that he didn’t feel well and would just pace by the door to let you know that he had to go handle the repercussions of his actions.  And then on Thanksgiving a few years back I was making homemade stuffing and had left an entire loaf of bread on the counter to harden.  While watching TV that night Johnny and I looked at each other and collectively asked “where is Miller” as he always lay on the couch with us.  I quickly got up went to the kitchen and saw Miller standing on his two back legs scarfing the entire loaf of bread…Needless to say we had to go to the store the day before Thanksgiving get another loaf of bread and barricade the kitchen off.

Aside from food, Miller also loved to protect his family, and spent most of every day staring out the window making sure that no one came up to the door.  His bark was ferocious to those that didn’t know him, but anyone who did, knew that if you entered our house, welcome or not, you would be greeted with a great big Miller hug (where he would put his paws on your shoulder and lean his face into your face), a trick Johnny loved to hate on.  Miller loved greeting Johnny at the door, and on most occasions would try to bust out of the front door when I announced that Johnny was home.

When Miller WAS mischievous, you knew it was him…I don’t know how it came about but one time after something particularly naughty, Johnny looked at Miller and said “did you do this?”  Miller looked down and a way from Johnny.  Johnny got down in front of Millers downtrodden head and said again, “did you do this?”  Miller quickly turned his head (but didn’t move his body) to look a way. This happened several more times and each time Miller would just look a way as if saying I don’t hear you, I don’t see what you are saying I did.  It quickly became our go to way to figure out who the culprit was: Miller or Dixie.

Miller may have been mischievous, but there is one thing that you could never doubt about him, and that was his love.  Miller would curl up with you as if her were a 5lb dog and just lay there.  When you were sad he could sense it and would just come and lay down with you and just be.  He wasn’t seeking petting or attention he just wanted you to know he was there.  During the time when I worked out of the house, or was pregnant on bed rest at the house, all you would have to say was “Miller lets go to work,” and he would jump up beside you and lay with you the entire day.  And each night as I made my way back to bed I knew that I had a little shadow (ok a big shadow) following right behind me ready to jump in bed and curl right beside me to sleep.  He was the best cuddle bug!

The past seven years have seemed to go by in a flash and Miller was there every step of the way…and usually in the way as he loved to be right by your side never wanting to miss a thing.  He lived in six different houses and two different states and loved life, to please people, his partner Dixie, food, and our family.

When the boys were born Johnny and I were concerned that Miller would feel left out and may start acting aggressive towards them or mean, but in fact the opposite happened.  From the day we brought them home Miller walked right up to them and gave them huge kisses, and then proceeded to follow them wherever they were.  If the boys began crying and someone was holding them, you could count on Miller to stare them down as if to say, “what are you doing to my babies, you better make it better”.  He would sit outside there room when we fed them and stare at us and then down the hallway making sure no one came in, and at night would lay in the bed as we gave the boys there final bottle and did story time. 

Last weekend, almost seven years to the day we got Miller, we found out that Miller had cancer.  It came on suddenly and took him and us by storm.  Three weeks prior we had taken him to the vet because he just hadn’t been acting like himself.  They did numerous tests including a biopsy of one of his lymph nodes and found nothing, no cancer, and we were relieved.  The vet chalked it up to a bad infection and gave us four weeks of antibiotics, but told us that if he wasn’t feeling better in a couple of weeks to bring him back in because it could be something more serious that wasn’t showing up on the tests yet.  This last week after being on three weeks of antibiotics he began not eating, and the lymph nodes in his neck which were barely noticeable three weeks ago were now the size of tennis balls.  We took him back to the vet and they did an x-ray.  Upon looking at the x-ray it was VERY apparent that Miller had a form of cancer known as lymphoma and it was everywhere.  It infiltrated all of his lymph nodes and appeared to be a very aggressive form of cancer as in just three weeks it went from undetectable under biopsy to huge tumors that consumed him.  The vet told us that we could do chemo but that this did not appear to be the type of cancer that would go in to remission as it was very aggressive, and all chemo would do is prolong his life and he would be in pain.  We asked her if we did nothing what would happen, and she told us that because of the placement of the tumors he would eventually be unable to breathe, and would likely go into cardiac arrest.  Clearly this is not what we wanted, but we asked her what else was there and she said that when it was time we could humanely put him down. We asked her how we would know and she listed several signs he would show us that he was ready: not eating (which he was already doing), not wanting to be with the family (which he was already doing), yelping when moving indicating he was in pain (which to that point we hadn’t seen), and then not coming to the door when we got home to greet us.  As we had the boys with us and needed time to process what she had said we took Miller home.  That morning, while Johnny and I were playing on the floor at home with the boys, we looked around the room and noticed that Miller wasn’t there.  We called him several times and he didn’t come into the room….if you know Miller you know that he would normally pop up at the sound of his name (and most days Dixie’s name too) and run in the room.  Johnny and I looked at each other and he stood up to find Miller and bring him in the room with us. 

As Miller came into the room he walked right by us and went and laid across the room and yelped in pain as he laid down….everything changed in that instant, that was it, we never wanted Miller to be in pain, especially not because we selfishly wanted him with us for longer.  To us it was not fair for Miller to feel this way when he didn’t have to.  We certainly didn’t want to punish him by making him go through treatments we knew were painful and delaying the inevitable.  I called my dad to see if he and my mom could come watch the boys, and then we called the vet to let them know we would be in, in a few hours.  The last couple of hours with Miller we showered him with kisses, let him lick the baby food bowls (since that was easy for him to swallow and he enjoyed it), and hugged on him and cried.  We rode with the windows down back to the vet with Miller shotgun in Johnny’s truck like old times, and when it was time Miller went peacefully with his head in Johnny’s lap.  I am sure that some people will not understand this decision, or say that we should have tried treatments, or keep him with us just a little bit longer, but we made the decision we felt was best for him, and although deeply saddened we know that we did what we thought was best for Miller.

In the days after, we have all cried A LOT.  Miller had a way of inserting himself into your everyday activities in ways you didn’t know, until he wasn’t there any more.  He will be severely missed; however I am supremely grateful to have had a dog like Miller, but angry and sad because seven years was not long enough, although I am sure that no amount of time would have been long enough with a dog like Miller. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9 Months!!

I am officially the worst blogger ever as it has been MONTHS since my last post, that being said, I’ve been a little busy ; )I am going to try and recap the past 9 months the best that I can as some of it feels like it happened yesterday and some of it I have sadly already forgotten. To say that I am running a marathon at a sprinter’s pace every day is the understatement of the century. I am constantly moving trying to keep them moving and entertained, and most importantly just trying to get through the day with a little enjoyment.

The first few months are kind of a blur as we adjusted to our new family. The first two-three weeks although difficult were not bad as they slept for like 20 hours a day. Then at about a month Jack started crying, and didn’t stop crying for the next 8 weeks! At about a month and a half, Cole started crying and didn’t stop for the next 8 weeks. I was positive the there had to be something medically wrong with them to cause them to cry for up to 8 hours a day, however the doctors dubbed it PURPLE Cry (this stands for Peak of Crying, Unexpected, Resists Soothing, Pain Like face, and Evening). Apparently from 2 weeks – 4 months is the peak crying time for all infants, however some infants just experience it a little more intensely than others….I happened to have two that experienced it to their fullest lung screaming potential as they never wanted anyone to say that they didn’t give it their best effort.

All jokes aside, it was pretty awful. They weren’t hungry, they didn’t nap (I know my mom is shaking her head saying payback), and they didn’t particularly want to be held…they just wanted to cry. The only thing that seemed to make the crying stop even for a second was to walk them around outside which we affectionately began to call going on a nature walk. I am sure that the neighbors thought we were crazy walking up and down the front yard humming and talking about the birds, or the breeze or whatever we could possibly talk about just to make it stop if even for five minutes. On trips home our parents, aunts, family friends would all take turns taking one of the boys outside on a nature walk just to bring the volume down in the house. Our only saving grace aside from our family, was that they slept through the night from 9 weeks on….they may not have slept all day, but they slept each night for 11 hours and that was 11 hours where they weren’t crying. Then at about 4 months it stopped…suddenly, unexpectedly it stopped and they were done. They still cried but only for a bottle or a diaper change…it was a beautiful glorious day!

And today, at 9 months old they are happy (for the most part) and healthy. They can sit up by themselves, crawl everywhere in creation, and pull up on anything steady enough to hold them (and then sometimes even things not steady enough to hold them). They talk (baby talk) constantly and seem to find themselves pretty amusing. The other day they stood across the coffee table from each other talking back and forth, laughing hysterically at whatever they seemed to be talking about…I wish I could have gotten it on video however as soon as the camera, or the iPhone as the case may be, is pulled out, they stop doing whatever it is they are doing: ( It is getting harder and harder to get candid videos of them as they are so aware of their surroundings at all times.

Jack is sweet and cuddly. He was the first to sit up at 6 months and the first to crawl at 8 months. He will work and work to learn new things and it seems like it takes him forever to get it, but once he does he is off and moving. It took him about 3 weeks of rocking back and forth, picking one hand off the ground and putting it right back down in the same place before he realized “oh, I have to pick it up and move it forward, then pick my knee up and move it forward”. As I predicted he is a methodical crawler, left arm, right leg, right arm, left leg, powering through every move as if he were some sort of linebacker. That being said he is super sweet and will wait for Cole to catch up to him when they are crawling around the house, will cuddle with Johnny every night for story time, and in the afternoons will usually bring whatever it is he is playing with and come sit and play right beside me on the floor smiling up at me every so often just because. He LOVES peek-a-boo and laughs hysterically at funny faces. He tries to get Cole to play peek-a-boo with him by sneaking around things and smiling at him, but Cole just doesn’t get it. One of my most favorite things about Jack is that he is so expressive and a complete flirt! He bats his eyelashes (only at women), gives ladies big huge Jack smiles, dimples and all. At school, he knows that to be picked up all he has to do is crawl over to one of his teachers look up at them and bat his eyelashes and they will pick him up…it is impossible not to respond!

Cole is goofy and VERY busy. He has taken much longer to do just about everything. He was about a week behind Jack with sitting up, which by the way he did before he ever even rolled over one time, and about two weeks behind Jack with crawling. Cole’s one first, pulling himself up to stand! Until about 7 ½ months we were very concerned that Cole had absolutely no motivation to move…he hated being put on his stomach and would SCREAM bloody murder when you did but showed no signs that he was going to try and roll himself over but instead scream (for like 15 minutes) until someone moved him. However once Cole rolled over at 7 ½ months he promptly began crawling 3 weeks later out of the blue…I looked over and there he was crawling towards me. That very same day to show Johnny that he could crawl; I opened the front door when he pulled in the driveway and called the boys over by saying DaDa’s home. Jack promptly began crawling with Cole following right behind him, but when Jack stopped, Cole just kept crawling right over top of Jack!! He is a complete adrenaline junky. He loves being flipped upside down, tossed in the air, and climbing things to get as high as he can go. He is into everything and LOVES playing with toys and banging them on the wood floor to see what kind of noise they make. He gets under all the furniture and “hides” and likes to pull up the carpet…to see what is underneath it?? He has an absolutely infectious laugh, really more of a giggle that can get everyone going. Of the two, Cole is definitely more stubborn and persistent in getting what he wants, or doesn’t want….don’t know where he gets it ; )